Sunday, November 28, 2010

it's gonna be good.

it's been weeks since i've had the mental energy to function at 100%. every day had a routine: get up, be bright and sparkling at work, then get home and crash on the couch til somebody tells me to go sleep in my own bed.
but today i made my way out of the fog of lethargy, and decided that i'd break one of my rules as a sort of reward.
months ago, i realized that i was so fixated on the idea of the perfect future that i was ignoring the needs of the moment. so i promised myself that i wouldn't plan more than six months ahead, and told my friends that they were to ignore me if i started talking about abstract plans. and that's the rule i decided to temporarily break, just to give myself the incentive to stay at more than borderline functionality.
i won't talk about my plans yet, because if they don't work out i don't really want to have to explain that in any detail. but when they get off the ground, things will be on their way back from "fine" and maybe even make it to "great."
a life should have secret plans, just to have something to look forward to.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

telling the future, with 85% certainty

it would appear that interesting things have been going on within my family while i've been away. in the past five months, two cousins have had babies; and my aunt remarried this morning, which nobody told me about until literally last week. another cousin is getting married in may, and i'm going to be one of her bridesmaids.
so i think i can guess what the dinner conversation is going to be this christmas: babies, weddings, and omg who's next?!
part of me is really hoping that doesn't happen, because relationship discussions with my family tend to get intense and kind of awkward. i'm very much single right now, and even though i'm too young to be thinking about my shelf life i'm still worried that i'll end up alone forever and so i don't like talking about my lack of a meaningful long-term relationship.
on the other hand, i don't intend to have children (my reasoning is a separate post in and of itself). and i do enjoy reasonable debate; so i may just cause trouble over the dinner table instead.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

another year, another thanksgiving

and my first one on my own. well, perhaps not completely on my own; just my first one away from the family.
the friends and i had epic plans for this evening, but were stymied by our failure to plan properly; so the cooking has been put off until tomorrow, and instead i treated myself to dinner. a nice, solitary dinner at legal seafoods with a copy of les miserables.
and i thought good and long about where my life has landed me lately, and realized that despite how miserable i can get, i have a lot to be thankful for and very little actually worth complaining about.
i have a full-time job that doesn't suck, and will soon have insurance again through said job.
my family loves me enough to understand that sometimes it's better to stay away from home for a while, and is okay with that.
and there are people who love me enough that i can occasionally light up their lives. they may not be the ones i live with, but they exist.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


this year is wearing on me. i'm enjoying not being in school full-time, and i do love my job, but the academic stress has been replaced by personal disasters.
i almost think i should leave the country for a while. after i graduate maybe i'll go to israel for a year; but i want to find a way out of the hole i've dug myself into now.
i left new york for boston so i could start over; leave behind who i'd been in high school. and i managed it for a while until i started burning out. and now that i've made my mistakes in yet another city i feel like there's nowhere else for me to go to try and fix things.
rationally, i know that moving is not the answer, because it involves too many complications. but hell if i want to stay here.

Monday, October 25, 2010


i occasionally find it difficult to rationalize my intermittent disappearances. sure, they make sense to me; when the world is not quite the appropriate frame of existence for me, i wander off for a while and come back when things are less not-right.
but it seems as though people think that i'm deliberately avoiding them. and, well, there is a sense of arrogance in feeling that one is being avoided; as though one is at all entitled to the attention of others.
nobody is entitled to an explanation of what is going on in my life and why it makes me avoid interacting with them. i am alive, and life is unpredictable, and that should quite honestly be justification enough. sometimes i am busy, sometimes i would simply rather be doing other things; and that is legitimate, no matter who you are and what you ask of me.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

on dreaming

remember way back when i dreamed of being a real musician? when i finished my last final and immediately sat down to look at conservatories for post-graduation? when i had Plans for my life?
...yeah. more and more, those plans are looking like a waste of my time. i'm not an actress; so goodbye broadway. i'm not really a soprano; so goodbye any sort of classical performance. and i have artistic integrity, so no recording contracts for me. going to a conservatory will really end up just being a waste of time and money.
the hardest part of having dreams is waking up and realizing that they were just that: dreams, and nothing more.

Friday, September 17, 2010

things i have learned in the past 24 hours

  • pandora is not as good at choosing music as it claims to be
  • life is a lot more awesome when you wear underwear that fits properly
  • croutons are delicious especially when soggy with caesar dressing
  • being philosophical about disappointment is a lot easier than you expect

Thursday, September 16, 2010

feeling sentimental

i come home in the evenings to a house full of light.
of everything that's changed in the past few months, this is what i notice most. the laughter, the hugs, the "where were you? we missed you at dinner!" - that's what's making the difference. yes, my job kind of sucks; and yes, i kind of hate not being a full-time student right now; but i live with people who like me, and maybe even love me, and that makes everything worthwhile.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

feeling domestic

i just got home from work, sat down at my computer, & started shopping for candles and rugs.
domesticity is my kryptonite.

Monday, September 13, 2010

mindless irrational paranoias yay!

i have two days off from work this week. i think it's time for me to go back to therapy.
and i am terrified.
i've done a huge amount of introspection in the past eight months, and discovered things about myself that i wish i didn't know. i am loving, caring, and friendly; vicious, manipulative, and arrogant; fragile, insecure, and lonely. i am everything anyone could possibly be, rolled into a five-foot bundle of contradictions that i would dearly love to have sorted out. but who will i be when that's all said and done?
i am scared to shit of what i'll become. i don't want to change, but i don't really want to be who i am now either.
yes, okay, maybe somebody should call the waahmbulance.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

next to normal (complete with spoilers!)

it's almost a month since i saw next to normal on broadway. on the surface, it's a very simple show to summarize: a family made dysfunctional due to mental illness. i suppose just from that description, it would be easy to write it off as something akin to schadenfreude, since after all, theatre is a form of entertainment and this show is centered on someone else's misfortune.
but at least to me, that's not at all what it is. perhaps this is only because it's been years since i was anything approximating normal, but i found it heartwrenchingly relatable.
the audience is taken all the way through diana's breakdown, from every character's perspective, with vivid and all too realistic descriptions of the accompanying mental states. and to sit there in the mezzanine and realize that i have been where she was...well, it was frankly terrifying. the entire show is just so. fucking. real. that by intermission i was back in that old state of wide-eyed terror over where my life could end up.
i cried the entire way through. even watching the family make its way out of that darkest place i cried. but somewhere along the way, a glimmer of hope turned up, and got brighter and brighter with every song (quite literally) til by the end things looked less bleak for both them and by extension, for me.
i don't know where i'm going with this review, so i'm going to stop here, but all in all this is a wonderful show. musically amazing, wonderfully acted, and utterly real. i'm going to see it again, and probably send my parents tickets as well.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

things are looking up

i'm no longer unemployed! i had an interview at barnes & noble on wednesday (was it? maybe it was tuesday...) and i start work on monday!
and so i had to go back to ny today to get my social security card from the safe deposit box. been home for 7.5 hours so far, and not one argument with my parents. i guess it's kind of shitty that it weirds me out to not be fighting with them, but this is a really surreal feeling.
like, they just paid for my fall classes, and i owe them (even more) money now, and there *still* hasn't been any arguing.
now i guess the next thing to do is figure out this whole insurance thing, and get myself a new therapist. again.
still, i am breathing easier now.

Monday, August 9, 2010

the long-awaited explanation of where i've been

here it is: the reason i haven't had time to write, in a nutshell.
i had a complicated year. i decided a few too many times that i didn't know what i wanted to do with my life, and so the classes i hated most this year also turned out to be completely useless with respect to my degree.
issues that i thought i'd left in high school came back to bite me in the ass, ruining my self-perception and my social life. i became kind of unbearable to be around and my friend circle shrank to less than half the size it used to be. i'm still not entirely certain why so many people put up with me through that, but thanks.
in january i broke up with the boyfriend of a year, because our personal philosophies were too different. i then spent the next six months second-guessing myself and making everyone around me miserable as well. somehow i still have friends (no, i don't really understand why. perhaps schadenfreude?)
oh, and i got swine flu. twice.
disheartening? yeah, but somehow it's been good for me. now i'm taking a year off to re-center myself, and i'm looking forward to it.
but that's another (later) post, because this one is getting long.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

on being an adult

i'm at home in NY for a few days, with a couple of friends and without the parents.
i am by far the youngest of the three of us, and i feel like i'm currently the only adult around. between trying to feed two picky eaters, and trying to get things done when nobody seems to be listening to me, i think i know what my mother dealt with for a long time with me and my sister.
i don't think i really want to have children anymore...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"are you okay?"

things are happening this summer. some of my closest friends have graduated and, one by one, are leaving boston. weird personal things are happening. life is being complicated, because that's what it does. but every time there is some such upheaval, someone asks me if i'm okay. and every time, i answer "i'm fine."
i am tired of being asked if i am okay. i am not okay. i get very attached to people, places, ideas, things, and when i have to let something go i have a hard time with it. but by now i am used to it. i cry, i panic, i write, and gradually i heal. it may take a few weeks of sleepless nights, but it happens on its own.
i am not "fine," or "all right." sometimes i am not even "meh." but this is how life goes, and you cannot make things any different for me. one day the same thing will happen to you, and you will understand what i mean.
life happens to us all. don't worry about me.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

non-separate entities

i am one half of an increasingly insane relationship. again. but here's the thing: she's one of my sisters, not a significant other.
we're sharing a room this summer and planning to move into an apartment together early next year (more on that another time). and because right now i'm not working and she has an irregular schedule, we've been spending a lot of time together both in and out of the house. things have gotten to the point where when one of us says "we," everyone knows who we're referring to; and people sometimes address us both even if they're only talking to one of us.
and let me tell you, internet, it is FREAKY AS SHIT. i wonder sometimes what sort of effect my relationship with her will have on the rest of my social life, because we go out together so often that i think the staff of the area restaurants think we're dating. i know, hilarious.
but sometimes it really does worry me, because sometimes we kind of function as a unit. am i losing bits of my identity like this?

Friday, July 23, 2010

funny people: or meditations on mortality

you know when you decide not to see a movie because you assume it's going to be awful, and then it turns out to be better than you expect it to be? i had one of those this week, involving funny people.
if you haven't seen it yet, stop reading and go watch it. then come back to this post.
despite the title, funny people is not a comedy. even though it involves adam sandler. it's all very realistic; from the flawed, flawed characters; to the ending, which feels remarkably uncontrived; and almost everything in between. and funnily enough, it's a bit of a thinking movie. you spend most of the movie evaluating your relationships with people, and there are even valuable life lessons sprinkled throughout!
i know, it surprised me too.
all in all, i really enjoyed funny people, despite not being a fan of most of the featured comedians. this would have been worth the money.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

say what?

i've gotten in the habit of watching So You Think You Can Dance. between that, and talking to Black Polos and Sweaters about my future in performance, it looks like i'm going to be auditioning for american idol. such are the bright ideas one gets in the middle of the night.
i still have no idea what i'll do if i make it onto the show. but for now i have less than a month to choose an audition song...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

the new star wars

is it normal to spend the afternoon of july 4th watching star wars? because that's what i'm doing.
and good lord, but the acting in the new ones is TERRIBLE. i will never understand why mediocre actors are cast in leading roles when the film clearly has the budget to hire people who can actually act. the only bright spot is the terrible punning from R2 & C3PO.
and when someone with a visceral hatred of puns says that, you know it's got to be bad.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

misandry ≠ feminism.

"When a man dies, it is only a man. And one is much like another. Aye, a family needs a man, to feed them, protect them. But any decent man can do it. A woman is...infinite possibility."
~Diana Gabaldon
(posted as a cousin's facebook status)

maybe i'm in the habit of overreacting to life, but it drives me up the wall when people post things on facebook seemingly without actually thinking about the impression it gives.
i read this quote a few times in the hopes of deriving some meaning from it other than what immediately jumped out at me. it really just seems to exude misandry, implying that men are expendable and of limited use. but worse than that, Gabaldon seems to be saying that men are worth significantly less than women in the real world.
the feminist movement has already been generally viewed as angry and man-hating for generations. does it really do us any good to perpetuate this stereotype?
i can't really say anything more on this subject right now, because when i think too hard about it i just get angry, and probably irrationally so. perhaps in the morning i will be thinking a little more clearly.

Friday, July 2, 2010

in limbo

another birthday is approaching, and i am reminded of why i don't want to grow up. it involves being a real adult, with an actual paying job.
thing is, i'm meant to be on the stage, whether it's on broadway or singing classically. but being a successful musician isn't just about skill; it also depends a lot on who you know. and i'm reluctant to completely commit to a career in music, simply because it takes the right circumstances to begin making money. i don't particularly want to be yet another starving artist living in a box under harvard bridge.
right now i don't really know how to handle the disconnect between the various facets of what i want from life. i'm planning to apply to conservatories & get a degree in performance after i graduate, but plans never really work out the way you expect them to. i suppose i'll just be in an interesting sort of in-between for a while; or at least, until i decide to make up my mind one way or the other.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

eh. life goes on.

the idea that life can go on in my absence takes a lot of getting used to.
last summer was like this too. i disappear for a weekend and parties happen. people acquire stories, photos are put on facebook, and i get to feel irrationally jealous about it. i guess it's because i miss my friends terribly when they're gone, but nobody seems to notice when i'm not around. they tell me they miss me, they say they're there if i need to talk before i come back; and then when i need them most they're nowhere to be found.
and this weekend, it was okay, because i know enough people in weird time zones that i found someone awake and willing to lie to me for half an hour so i could stop panicking. but that was just sheer dumb luck; and i wonder what will happen the next time if there's absolutely no one around.
one day i'll have someone who'll sit by the phone waiting for me to call. or at least that's what i keep telling myself.

Monday, June 28, 2010

8 miles, and then some

yesterday we went kayaking down the delaware. 8 miles, supposedly a 3 1/2 hour trip. and the best thing i've done for myself in a long time.
i was with my family and a couple of friends, but managed to get myself way out in front of everyone else. and up front there, it was just me, the river, and the birds. no phone, no ipod, nothing.
to be completely cut off from absolutely everything was just what i needed. it's been too long since i was last completely unattached, & to really feel that is wonderfully liberating. no boys randomly trying to contact me, no drama chasing me around, nothing; just the sound of the water.
with everyone so far behind that they were inaudible, and the rest of the river ahead of me, it felt like i could do anything. and even though that doesn't completely translate to the rest of my life, for a few hours it was completely true. bliss.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

anything can happen in the woods...

this evening has been spent watching into the woods; which happens to be one of my favorite musicals ever. the last time i saw it was almost two years ago, and it was a great show then. but after two years of college, and life in general, it somehow has more of a meaning now.
i've been rather frazzled lately; but it's curing that feeling bit by bit. life happens, and you make decisions, and those decisions are hard and they have far reaching consequences. but whatever happens, you learn from it, and it changes you for the best.
everything that happens is ultimately for the best.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

in the pursuit of developing taste in music

i have a lot of free time this summer, so i am picking up a rather interesting project.
i've been reading Questionable Content faithfully since high school, and it's written by a guy who apparently listens to a LOT of music. my actual knowledge of music seems to have shrunk relative to my awareness of what exists; and so in an effort to remedy this i am going to listen to every band that has ever been mentioned in the strip.
this is actually pretty exciting to me, so you can expect regular updates :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

not being full of fail, for the umpteenth time

so. i finally figured out why i suck at blogging regularly, and now i have some advice for y'all who're thinking of starting a blog. DON'T DO IT IN THE MIDDLE OF TERM.
classes cause sleep deprivation. sleep deprivation causes sleep madness. sleep madness causes stupid posts. and then you get really embarrassed and you stop posting until you can come up with something intelligent...except you never do, because you are a) too tired to be a rational human being or b) too damn busy to sit down and think for a bit. and then before you know it six months have gone by without a post and you're like "damn. must have lost readers over that one. but what if i never *had* any readers in the first place? what if this blog is just a futile attempt at being an interesting member of society? WHAT IF NO ONE LOVES ME?!" and then you really stop writing, because you can't see the point anymore.
this is sort of what has happened to me as regards this whole Being On The Internet thing. it's kind of pathetic. but now, it's summertime, and since i'm not too busy i am hoping to get myself into a routine so that i can continue to be interesting even after term begins.
man, this post wasn't meant to be so huge. in summary, i promise i'll be back in some capacity. really and truly.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

meditations on drag, part 1

during the downtime between episode's of this season of RuPaul's Drag Race, i work my way through last season. or i did, until i finished the season last week. and i've found over the past few weeks that what started as entertainment and a way to kill time has actually sparked some surprisingly thoughtful discussions of gender and sexuality.
i've seen a lot of comments (mostly on jezebel) from women that view drag as an offensive parody of femininity; and while i do understand how that take on it is possible, i think it displays a fundamental misunderstanding of drag.
drag is female impersonation. the goal of impersonation is to create a convincing illusion of femininity. to this end, drag queens study women and choose to emphasize the features that, in their minds, capture the essence of being a woman. the end result? a woman with strength, character, independence, and (for lack of a better word) heart.
too many girls grow up thinking that they need to meet the expectations of men if they want to be worth anything as a person; and so it's immensely refreshing to see men to whom the important points of womanhood are characteristics that make a woman worthy of being a role model.

Monday, March 8, 2010

spring cleaning!

Spring cleaning is a wonderful feeling.
Throwing out the bags and bags of crap that accumulate over the past months and seeing your floor again; being able to find everything right where you left it for once; the light and space in the room when it's clean; nothing really describes how healthy it is to be finished.
Thing is, how often do you remember to do the same in the rest of your life?
We've all got baggage, whether it's fragments of past relationships or people themselves. And sometimes the pieces only float around your personal bubble, but sometimes they trail behind you and weigh you down.
Only thing you can really do is cut them loose: all the so-called "friends," the pathological liars and unhealthy friendships; the insecurity stemming from your past; the fear radiating towards you from the future and its uncertainty.
You don't need any of that.
Every moment is a fresh start, waiting for you to make your magic. No one can stop you.

Friday, February 12, 2010

everyday miracles

watching the olympic opening ceremonies for some reason is making me pensive.
it's one thing to be told that every day is a miracle, but another thing entirely to really know it.
each day i walk down the street to head to class, and each day i can look up at the sky and say that it is beautiful. it has nothing to do with the sort of weather, or how cold it is, but is simply about being able to exist.
every instant of your life is precious. there is never any time to waste, nor will there ever be, because every moment is another memory, further proof that you are really living. it's no surprise that the sun rises; but that you are there to see it and feel it - that is the miracle.
every day is full of moments. whether you ache with heartbreak or joy, cherish them, because they are the only way to really be alive.