Monday, November 10, 2008

dear y chromosome

the y chromosome?
you, dear sir, cause quite a bit of trouble in this world, specifically to the bearers of two x's.
there is absolutely no excuse for your messing with men's perceptions of what is permissible and what is not. do not leave us ladies wondering how you feel. if you are informed that there is someone interested in you AND THEY SAY IT THEMSELVES, do be frank in your discussions of the subject. do not wander off and never mention it again; that approach is not allowed at all. it is not a nice thing to do.
you confuse us and sometimes make us seriously depressed. and depression, well, it SUCKS. at the very least, it involves spending money via retail therapy. in any case, inflicting that on anyone is a madly douche-y thing to do no matter who you are.
so. if you're not interested in her, tell her, but nicely. don't leave her hanging EVER. and if you are, TELL HER because if you don't you are amazingly stupid and probably ruining things for yourself.
guys, man up and use those vocal chords.


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