Wednesday, December 31, 2008

dear reader,

i'm quite enjoying this chronicling of my life and thoughts, it's interesting to see how i've changed even just in the past two months. and i won't lie, it's nice to have a following of people that actually want to read what i write.
i'm getting what i want out of this blog, but dear reader, are you? are there changes you'd like to see for the new year?

affectionately yours,

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


i have a weakness for cats and thoughtfulness. couldn't resist posting this when it came up 


i am possibly in love with this song:
it is seriously the cutest thing ever and i have no idea why!


life is good!

Monday, December 29, 2008

a prayer from 2008

as i climb the mountain
i believe that i will reach the peak
though i walk through the valley
i will fear nothing

out of the storms and calms
i made myself
i am stronger for having done so
and i will remain strong

i will fight the good fight
i will finish the race
i will keep the faith
this is my walk
Lord guide my steps each day

switching gears

i go back to boston a week from yesterday: and i totally can't wait. i was excited to come back here, yeah, but it's fading fast. at this point i'd rather stay home and work on that arrangement that isn't going so hot instead of going out and seeing people i haven't seen in a while. i think i'm just growing up faster than everyone i left here.
it feels so strange that i have to mentally switch gears when i come back to new york. not to talk to my family, but to have conversation with my friends. when you're used to being able to have intellectual discussions with almost everyone you're around, how on earth are you supposed to be able to drop back into mindlessness like clothes and tv? even music that used to be such a surety for me isn't really anymore, because i'm discovering that the majority of the people you meet have the music appreciation skills of newts! and dead ones, at that.
i can't talk politics because nobody under a certain age seems to really care about what's going on in the world. can't talk music because people only listen to whatever crap is on the radio now (which by the way is getting worse with every passing year). can't talk philosophy, because again, nobody cares, or they just have nothing original to say.
it's just so much easier on my brain to stay in the house. at least with my family i get some good intellectual debate. arguments are delightfully refreshing, especially when compared to agreement-because-i-have-no-clue-what-you-mean or worse, the ever-present "huh?".
i much prefer adult company to that of anyone between 12 and 19-20ish. and the sad thing is, it depresses me, because that seven-year span makes up a good chunk of the world's future. and you look at the crap on tv and really listen to the garbage that passes for music and you say to yourself "wow. the world is royally fucked once we start to run it." and it's completely true.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

time zones

time zones are really weird things. i was talking to a friend from hawaii the other night (at like midnight because i don't need sleep) and she said "i'm going to eat dinner now" and i was like whut?
then i remembered they're like five hours behind the east coast. weirdness. thank goodness i almost never have to change time zones =)

dan brown

the da vinci code and angels & demons only make me want to go back to italy. nothing more. maybe it's only because i'm not a catholic.
also, why does langdon have a new girl in angels & demons? whatever happened to the girl from the da vinci code? should i go back and read it again? because i honestly remember him thinking he was in love with her.
and why does dan brown have this tendency to insert romance into thrillers? it is frustrating! if i want romance i will go read craptacularly embarrassingly girly novels with pink covers and stupid titles and revoltingly feminine women. give me thrillers. that's all i'm asking for. THE ENTIRE WORLD DOES NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT BUDDING ROMANCES AND PRETTY WOMEN IN THE MIDDLE OF EPIC AND THRILL.
don't worry dan brown, you are still awesome.

Friday, December 26, 2008

peace on earth...again

Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
my chosen, in whom my soul delights;
I have put my spirit upon him;
he will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry or lift up his voice,
or make it heard in the street;
a bruised reed he will not break,
and a dimly burning wick he will not quench;
he will faithfully bring forth justice.
He will not grow faint or be crushed
until he has established justice in the earth;
and the coastlands wait for his teaching.

Isaiah 42:1-4

the establishment of peace doesn't have to involve violence. wish more people understood that.

new year's resolutions

yes, i know it's a little early. but what can i say? if i don't think of them now, i never will. and maybe blogging my resolutions will make it easier for me to keep them (and by keep i mean actually remember haha).these are totally not in order of importance. at least not consciously.
  • make peace with this most recent ex. despite what i've said about him so far, he's a really nice person. i just haven't talked about him enough for y'all to understand that, and i feel bad being so cold to him. but making peace requires resolution number 2:
  • BECOME AN ACTUAL MATURE HUMAN BEING. or at least mature enough to act vaguely adult. i think this one needs no explanation.
  • learn how to manage my money. specifically, break this revolting habit i have of shopping compulsively.
  • eat healthy and lose enough weight to look good in everything i own. consistently.
  • read the newspaper and actually be aware of what's going on in the rest of the world.
  • learn how not to procrastinate. and how to organize my life.
whatever you resolve to do, write it down somewhere. where it won't get lost. it'll probably help. and enjoy the rest of your holidays!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

happy holidays!

hey y'all!
so i'll be taking a short break from the blog for the next few days (most likely just until friday evening, though there is the chance that i won't be back till new year's). christmastime at my house is always hectic, from cooking and decorating to recovering from food comas, and i'm not even going to try and get regular posts in for the rest of the week because it just won't happen. instead, i'm taking time off to enjoy the insanity of my family who i no longer see often enough, and i strongly suggest you do the same. oh, and sleep in whenever you get the chance :).
whatever, whenever, and wherever you're celebrating, spend it well and enjoy your holiday!

festively yours,

Nuala :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

peace on earth

"What kind of peace do we seek? … Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children — not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time but peace for all time."
John F. Kennedy

peace is not the absence of war. neither is it the assurance that tomorrow will be like today. peace is the condition in which we are certain that tomorrow will be better than today, and our purpose on this earth is to create and ensure this peace. the point of existence is not to do the best you can for yourself alone, but to make life better for those around you.
if you can change the world for even just one person every day, you're doing your part. i don't mean doing what's expected of you, like paying your taxi driver. that doesn't count. hold a door for someone whose hands are full. don't just walk past someone who's dropped all their papers; help them pick them up. go above and beyond what is expected of you and you will make a difference, i guarantee it. and whatever you choose to do, do it with a smile.
in this holiday season and beyond, spread good will. the world needs more of it.

Friday, December 19, 2008


so what would you think of me now
so lucky, so strong, so proud?

on the way down this afternoon i was listening to 'hear you me' by jimmy eat world and i pondered this line for a while. and i thought about life, and where i've been, and where i am now, and i realized something: i've come a hell of a long way in the recent past.
i struggled with depression and self-esteem issues through most of high school. and i did stupid things, had my heart broken too many times, and became a rather angry person because of it. i'd walk around with my massive ego and an "oh you don't like me? well fuck you too" mentality and seem all right on the outside, but inside i was a wreck. my best friends have been my shrinks more often than i care to think about.
and now i'm somewhere completely different in my life. i'm doing well in all my classes. i have a job. i know some of the most wonderful people in existence, and most importantly, i am not running my life into the ground. quite the opposite actually: i've come out on top this year, and by a huge margin. i didn't think i could handle my own life quite so well, and now i'm finding that everything is going right.
there've been times i wanted to quit, times i was close to cracking. won't deny that. but you know what? you hold on and you say "no you can't beat me down" and you believe that someday soon things will change and then they do.

taxis =P

it seems to be a fundamental rule of the universe that taxi drivers must take you the long way round. always. and it always adds at least a third of the actual travel time to the time you actually take. i disapprove.
but my bus seems to have no delays so far. so eh. i guess it all evens out?
and even if i have delays, just more time to work on arranging and catching up on like a month's worth of heroes. how do i keep missing this show? i don't understand it, i make it a point to leave myself free mondays at nine. weird.

vacation angst? what?

well, i think i might actually be finished packing. now i'm starting to feel weird- really weird- about leaving here though. i guess part of it is because i'm used to having plans and a million things to do all the time, and now i have nothing concrete planned for much of my two weeks in new york. i will sleep and arrange music and that is probably about it. and hopefully still see all my special people (thank goodness some of my favorite people live decently close to manhattan!) cuz i hate separation anxiety. and i get it bad.
it just feels so strange to be going back this time. i guess i've gotten pretty attached to boston and its freakish weather recently.
oh yeah, the weather. that's what's making me angst. like the fact that traffic is going to be disgusting. meh. i guess we'll see, and you'll all know because i'll end up complaining if i'm stuck on the bus.
not to be a debbie downer or anything :), i'm actually pretty excited to see people. and sleep in.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


crap. it's supposed to start snowing tomorrow. right around the time when i'm supposed to leave boston. on a bus. on a freaking BUS.
we better not get stuck.
at least i take bolt with its lovely wireless interwebz so i can catch up on heroes that i keep missing for some odd reason. cannot be without the interwebz for too long.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


i have a job! i'm making money!
well, not yet, but come january i will be :)
starting off the new year with a job, a boyfriend, and hopefully a driver's license (i should pass this time around *crosses fingers*)? 2009 just keeps looking better and better!

finals = done!

and i survived all of them and only got rocked by one! surprising, i know :) but it happened!
so now i'm off to a job interview in a little bit (and it's so close to my dorm- w00t for not having to walk to far places in the snow when i get back from break!) and i really hope i get it cuz money is a Fun Thing To Have :)
and then i'm spending a night with my cousin, and leaving campus friday!
i'm gna miss all my wonderful lunatics while i'm gone, but that's why i use four - count 'em, four - chat clients hehee.
hope y'all are enjoying life as much as i am right now :)!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


and you know what that means?
oh man there are so many people to think about and i have no clue what to get anyone
but you know what? it's all okay.

Monday, December 15, 2008

finals-induced angst

the world is a difficult place to be right now. studying for finals and a new relationship don't go too well together; i get really worried about grades whenever i'm on a study break or thinking about tests, but all i really want to do is spend time with him before winter vacation. makes me feel a lot better about life when we're together.
*sigh* i guess all i can do in that respect is just wait for january and its associated lack of worrying to get here.
at least we have hall breakfast during finals week. share the misery, right?


"He gives power to the faint,
and strengthens the powerless.
Even youths will faint and be weary,
and the young will fall exhausted;
but those who wait for the Lord
shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint."

Isaiah 40:29-31

and when they stumble and fall, he is there to pick them up and walk with them back to where they were. put your trust in God and he will not let you fall further than can be remedied, and he will use everything that happens to you for good despite it not seeming so at the time. your tears and prayers are never in vain.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


man the world makes no sense right now.
i am totally going to get my shit rocked by my physics final in the morning.
but i have a new boyfriend and nothing on earth could make me worry now.
and i may have forgotten whatever physics i ever knew but all i have to do is pass the class.
and that's what i keep telling myself.


one of my roomies is moving out! the antisocial one who doesn't seem to like us! i should not be this happy about this!
but i am. why?
also we are keeping her bed as a couch and i am fairly certain we get to keep her desk- so no need to keep mine neat anymore!
i really shouldn't be so happy about this, it feels mean =/ but she's practically never around anymore so all that's really left to make it official is for her to get her stuff out.


i am terrified of my finals.
and white pants and burritos are the dumbest combination ever which makes me feel extra-stupid.
and finals start tomorrow.


why do words never say what you want them to?
how do you describe such purely visceral feelings? colors? texture? images?
even music can't express sometimes. sound wakes emotions, amplifies them, but doesn't let them run loose the way i need them to before they implode and make a mess of the world.
all i really need is for people to say what they want to instead of what they think they should. why doesn't this happen?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

o noes

cannot brain today. i have the dumb. and the tired. these next few days = badness.

Friday, December 12, 2008

the world is your oyster

“Look at the sky: that is for you. Look at each person’s face as you pass on the street: those faces are for you. And the street itself, and the ground under the street, and the ball of fire underneath the ground: all these things are for you. There are as much for you as they are for other people. Remember this when you wake up in the morning and think you have nothing.”
Miranda July, No One Belongs Here More Than You

this entire world is here for you, to get as much out of it as you possibly can. life is not about being held down by work and worries, but about making the most of your time on earth. walk with both eyes open to avoid obstacles, but never make the mistake of believing that you cannot dream without your eyes shut. open your eyes and watch your dreams come to you. believe in them and they will.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


i love the world. it is a beautiful place to be tonight.
my secret santa got me gorgeous jewelry.
all three of the previously mentioned guys are out of my life as far as drama goes.
and, well, my face hurts from all the smiling i've been doing tonight.
it's a good sort of pain.

confused by happiness

life has now come to such a ridiculous place that i'm actually confused when i'm really happy. like today. don't know why. it was raining when i woke up and it's still grey outside. i've been awake since 8, hearing auditionees since 10, and am thoroughly sick of tri-tones and scales. we still have callbacks left to do and then we have to go sing in whatever newbie(s?) we take. this will take a while.
i'm going to a dance show tonight and then my floor is doing secret santa, but that isn't why i'm happy. at least as far as i know. 
and i'm in the process of eliminating guy-drama (2 of the 3 are totally out of the picture but more on that later maybe), but that can't be it either.
i'm so confused.
maybe it's just cuz i look good today.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


so i just discovered that my brain is seriously weirdly wired. i honestly have this odd probably-biological instinct to get up and check on unattended food on a stove no matter who put it there in the first place. and i don't think it's just because i love to cook.
i think my feminist side is now off crying in a corner. must go reassure her.


man horror movies are so stupid with the lights on.
ju-on in its entirety consisted of OM NOM NOM and yelling at the movie to stop being retarded.
the grudge was also a stupid movie.


it made me never want to have kids.
it is also an awful movie. alternating between AUGH and huh? is not the best way to spend a few hours of your life.
that being said, i want to see Ring 0.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

northern lights

hmm. is it possible to see the aurora borealis from vermont?
and what time(s) of year does it happen anyway?
does anyone know?


the world is such a beautiful place right now, despite the snow's utter failure to stick. it's crisp and cold outside and it feels so wonderfully clean. the stars are out and i can see my breath and i can find orion! the only constellation i've ever been able to find reliably hehe.
and there are two more days of the semester and about a week left till i go back to new york. at which point i will do my christmas shopping and decorate my house :).
and my january is looking wonderful as well:
spending somewhere on the order of a million hours a week with the most awesome people ever rehearsing and hanging out. having a job and making money. taking a tango class. possibly costume designing for a play. possibly playing in the pit for a musical. no academic classes at all!
the world is a wonderful place and i am so glad to be part of it.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


it is so cold lol.
but in other news, concerts are over and i am going on vocal rest because i have been doing a ridiculous amount of singing.
and we have christmas decorations all over my floor!
and i downloaded finale and once finals are over i can do all my arranging!
and i have the awesomest friends EVAR!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

semester's almost done

yeah, last psets were due today and now i can sleep for the entire weekend. yay.
man i need to go to bed.

Friday, December 5, 2008

estoy un poco deprimida

man the world is a shit-tacular place right now. three huge problem sets due in the morning. one is two-thirds done. the other two? haven't even started one, & the other one is only vaguely begun. finals start way too soon. concert week is running us all ragged.
i've had rehearsal for at least three hours every day this week (six hours almost straight today), until midnight every night. i rather think i'm going to be our first freshman breakdown, both on my floor and in the group; i actually don't really know how i've been making it entirely through rehearsals this week. it's awful; by the time i'm alone at night i'm too tired to be anything but okay, but when i need to cry i'm not anywhere where i can really break down. instead i'm in rehearsal or working in my lounge or walking home at night with other people. i don't want sympathy. that's not really what i need. i just need to cry on someone and be held for a while. if i can survive tonight i'll be okay, but it's getting all this work done that's such a problem.
and man i wish i weren't single. specifically, wish i were IAR with the boy. i hate this. i feel so stupid for holding out but i can't let go because when i see him and i feel him watching me i feel like there's something there to wait for even if there isn't and ugh i really just wish i could know he's mine. meh.
on the bright side, i just checked my physics & calc grades and i don't appear to be in danger of failing. *shrug*

Thursday, December 4, 2008

snap decisions

so i'm bailing on the formal with facebook guy. it's for a legitimate reason though, we have an a cappella commitment at the same time that night and it's rather important. to be completely honest though, i was seriously considering faking out of it halfway through, either with a phone call or a sprained foot from my insanely high heels. what? i've gotten hurt because of shoes before.
i've been thinking about it a lot, and while we did meet in august, we also don't see each other ever and we've talked way more on facebook than ever IRL. i'm not all that comfortable with spending an entire evening with him, especially now that i've found out he's getting over another girl and i don't really know what he's expecting from me. yeah, it would've been fun, but i also got a better offer (yeah december and holiday parties!) conclusion? i should stop making snap decisions at 2 am. i'm not so good at them xD.
we're still getting ice cream saturday though. unless he bails. which i would be totally ok with.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

nice :)

three-quarters of my chem final is on kinetics. this is beautiful stuff.

yummable goodnesses

i need to go back to eating tofu. i miss it. i could seriously live on it for weeks on end, there are just so many different ways to make it delicious. like dipping it in beaten egg & frying it? mmm. but the best has got to be soy sauce + sesame oil + tofu. mm-mm-good.
pumpkin pie is also good. but someone tell me, is there a way to have an entire pie in your fridge and not eat all of it at once? i ate at least half a pie last week over the course of thanksgiving day and the friday after. that can't be healthy.
oh well. i'm taking tango classes in january and maybe going back to fencing :), so those should keep me from gaining too much weight.
tofu is good for you.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I Believe In You-Steven Curtis Chapman

this song makes me feel much better today. still a lot of work to do, still a lot of other stuff that needs to get done (rehearsals anyone?), still so much on my mind that i've been worrying about a lot. the other night i was ready to drop out and work in a jazz club till i could go on broadway. seriously, when i get stressed out the first thing to pop into my head is "how the hell did i get in here?" and then the next thing is "OMG i so can't do this at all" and then i freak out and go to bed early and don't get things done at all. but this song is a reminder that God wouldn't have gotten me here if i couldn't handle it. and when i remember that He knows i can do it, it's so unbelievably reassuring.
so wherever you are in your life and no matter how stressed you get, remember that you can take it all and rise above your worries. darkness doesn't last forever.


this absolutely just made my day. it makes so little sense it's absolutely beautiful. supposed to be an ad for Posh Spice's new dress collection, but it's just a whole lot of funny.

weirdness today.

so maybe a few years or so ago (probably more recently than that), i was sure that i was bipolar to some degree, mostly because i had the weirdest mood swings EVER. i don't still think that, but seriously there are days when i'm convinced that i'm not normal at all. one minute i'll be so happy, then i'll crash and be exhausted, then i'll be okay for a while, then i'll just get pissy and blah. today has been an insanely strange day and maybe it's just being tired and worried about finals that's getting to me. i should sleep. i have to be up early to put up a poster (and i've been postering half the dorm today in the hopes that people will come to our concert this friday but it's fun so it's ok). and then i have class and singing and WAH NEED CAFFEINE.
on a brighter note, i might end up doing costume design for the shakespeare ensemble next semester. and our choreo for this coming concert is just awesomeness :).

Monday, December 1, 2008


this face completely describes my feelings right now.
i love shoes. and this man is adorable.
look at him! he makes the cutest faces! and OMG SHOES!

silly things

meh. life is better than it was last night, but i am pooped.
today's weather is absolutely glorious. warm, sunny, not too windy, and i am walking around in a tshirt. and the puddles are mostly gone!
the prospect of this afternoon's hair appointment also makes me feel better (manageable hair again!), as does the fact that despite the stupid amounts of food i ate last week, leggings are still an acceptable substitute for pants. i don't care what you think, leggings + heels = cuteness as far as i'm concerned. and totally worth it too. i contemplated a miniskirt when i woke up and was really happy that it's actually warm enough for one, but then remembered that tonight we're learning choreo and a mini is probably not practical. oh well, later this week.
also, we put up our christmas tree last night. there is no way on earth that impending holidays could fail to make me happy. decorating next week! glitter! paper chains! tinsel! snowflakes! and speaking of which, WHERE IS THE SNOW I WAS PROMISED? i'm not complaining though, really.
what else? oh yeah, i have some seriously awesome floormates :).

Sunday, November 30, 2008

complaining yay >_<

oh man this week is going to suck. no actually, it already sucks. nothing is going to make it better. here's why.
so this week is hell week. three-hour rehearsals every night, 9 to midnight. it's cold up here, so the heat is on everywhere, so i'm going from heat inside to cold outside like every hour. i got sick a week or so ago and i'm still not back to normal so i'm much more likely to get sick again. oh yeah, and i already have getting-homework-done fails.
spending every evening with lovely lovely people is only sort of compensation for the massive amounts of suck that hell week involves.
i have three boys to deal with. no, i'm not a ho, there's just way too much going on in my life right now.
there's the boy. who i still adore, and am still holding out hope for, mostly because i am a dumbass and he is perfect.
there's facebook guy, who is weirdly amusing and also WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME OUT WE HARDLY KNOW EACH OTHER!? i don't see any potential there, but we're going out for ice cream & then to a formal saturday (and i'm missing Rite of Spring at BSO for the formal :P) and i am keeping a semi-open mind about him.
and there's the ex-boyfriend! who i've never mentioned! oh lord. irritatingly clingy and awkward and obviously not over the breakup. like really, i want to be obnoxious and all GET OVER YOURSELF AND GO AWAY because he drives me nuts! tries to talk to me sunday nights when he knows i have work to do, facebook messages me about how he wants to talk to me, and UGH GO AWAY I HAVE A LIFE AND AWESOMER PEOPLE TO INTERACT WITH.
i am not actually a bitch (or at least i try not to be), but i put my brain back in sometime mid-fall and realized i could do so much better than him and that i shouldn't lower my standards ever. i know i'm going further in life than he'll ever be able to, intellectually we are nowhere near on the same level, and really the only thing we ever had in common was being hugely dorky over classical music.
man. i really do sound like a horrible person here. this is why i hate talking about him.
classes suck. homework sucks. i have a theatre project due next tuesday that i'll probably end up having to do over the weekend. i have retarded amounts of impossible physics homework. and i have finals in a few weeks! i am absolutely TERRIFIED of my finals. specifically, failing them. i don't think i will, but i have no idea and that's what scares me.

oh yeah, and it's monsooning outside and my pants are currently really wet up to like four inches above y ankles. uncomfortable much? i think so.
i'll try not to bitch so much next post =/ but i still love you all dearest readers.

a minor crisis and some embarassment

an actual conversation i had tonight (the pink text is mine):

wait is this guy white?




that explains everything 


so does that make it better or worse?


all i know is you give white guys an automatic +1000000 or something


me personally?



that makes me feel kinda dumb

i meamn

i give white girls a + but its not nearly as blatant



i dont know if that makes it worse

i think thats just a meh


it may explain why you said yes

instead of just lulzing him

well, damn. i feel shallow now. should i? i mean, i like white guys. i don't consciously give them points for being white, i just find them more consistently attractive.

and is it awful that i said yes to the formal even though i really have no interest whatsoever in this guy? i'm not trying to lead him on at all, but now i feel like i may be (probably am?).

mostly i just feel shallow though.

dearest readers, i am in the throes of a crisis, however minor it may be. your thoughts would be much appreciated, if only to let me know whether or not i am a lunatic for worrying.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

hehee awkward

hehee i just got asked out via facebook. this is hilariously awkward.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

obligatory thanksgiving post wooooo!

and now it's time for me to talk about what i'm thankful for! because that's what bloggers do on Thanksgiving!
in all seriousness though, there's a lot i have to be thankful for. and in no particular order;
  • my parents cuz they are pretty cool people actually and fun to talk to
  • my little sister who is growing up and turning into me and making me feel old =/
  • my cousins who i miss muchly and who are all awesome
  • my besties from high school cuz i love them all and they know so much about me and they know i'm completely insane but they don't really seem to mind :)
  • my a cappella group that i am absolutely and completely in love with collectively because they are such lovely people and we are an insane little family and i would totally have their babies or at least move in with them after i gradumacate
  • my suitemates cuz they are never boring and always fun to live with even though they play africa every time they see me working >_<>
  • the boy who is not actually my boy (though i am still hoping-ish) because he makes me happy and smiley and warm and fuzzy inside and he makes me want to twirl and sing and also he is a cutie :) and so he is nice to look at
  • cameras! especially manual cameras and black & white film! which are awesome!
  • living in boston even though IT'S NOT SNOWING YET WTF I MOVED HERE FOR THE SNOW
  • the insanity my brain gets up to at weird hours of the morning because it makes me laugh
  • FOOD WONDERFUL CARIBBEAN FOOD man i am so excited for dinner
  • and of course you, my lovely lurking readers, who make my hit counter jump and make me happy that people actually want to read the nonsense that goes on inside my brain cuz it is so nice to be happy
enjoy your holidays, eat lots, and sleep lots because that's what they are for!


hey guys! so sorry about the lack of actual coherent posts recently; apparently when germs party it up in your chest cavity they invade your brain too. but i'm back to reasonably normal now, so this post i guess will just be a mashup of everythingness.
i'm back in new york. i was sleeping on the bus on the way home until the ride got really bumpy all of a sudden and the first thing i thought? WOOO NEW YORK AND ITS CRAPTACULAR ROADS! and its glorious sketchyness!
and within five minutes of walking into my house, we ended up in a discussion of ebola versus leprosy and which disease is worse and then segwayed into what my family would do if i brought home a lesbian lover for the holidays (just FYI, i am straight, this was only a hypothetical discussion as far as i'm concerned hehe). i really do love my family and its randomosity :).
also, i broke 100 readers today! you guys have no idea how happy this makes me: like i can be seriously bummed out over something unrelated, but when i see my hit counter jumping it makes me all smiley and happy :). so thank you all, dear readers.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


i love guys with gorgeous voices. they make me so happy.
that is all.

immune system

oh man. i don't know whether to be depressed or pissed off that i'm sick. at least my headache's gone, but i'm running on like six hours of sleep since 11am friday. and i have rehearsal today. and i'm congested and i was so exhausted last night i couldn't even post about my high school's production of Les Miserables which is kind of depressing, cuz that show was totally worth the two bus rides at ungodly hours of the morning. and the utter lack of sleep. i cried like a million times (again!) but totally in a good way. also, so proud of all you babies back at the hs <3,>
wow. apparently congestion gets into your brain and makes it totally incoherent. that's ridiculous.

Friday, November 21, 2008

belly buttons!

i don't know whether to be freaked out by this or just to find it absolutely hilarious.
i think i'll go with the latter though. imagine if you had no belly button... oh man, you could totally convince people you were an alien. or the beginning of a new race of super-humans. or just, you know, generally awesome.
wow. but this makes me wonder, where did it go? was it just never there, or did it get bored and wander away? will my belly button walk out on me? is someone out there stealing belly buttons? and innies or outies? am i safe?

words to live by

let your kingdom come in me
let your will be done in me
here on earth as it is and as it will be in heaven
show your glory to the world
tell your story to the world
let my life be a preview of coming attractions
~Coming Attractions: Steven Curtis Chapman

my patience is fraying, my faith in humanity is failing, and making this my prayer is the only way i'll be able to get through life. i'm glad i've realized this now and not ten years down the line.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


everybody's made mistakes. they don't mean you aren't allowed your dignity, your pride, your standards. the simple fact that i walked away from all of you instead of staying and losing my temper shows it. i have more dignity and higher standards than any of you can ever know.
and i really don't think any of you should be allowed to talk like that anyway. who of you had the maturity to actually apologize? one of you. that's all.
don't talk to me about standards. i hold myself to high ones and i won't stoop to your level ever. yeah, that hurt. it hurt to know that despite the way i've trusted some of you, you still think it's ok to throw darts even when it's obvious that they make me bleed. it hurt to realize that some of you don't actually care about me like i thought you did. but you know what? what's past is past. it's gone. and i won't cry about it. not for any of you.


i'm learning to perc!
for all you non-a cappella's, that's vocal percussion.
i can do hi-hats, ride cymbal, and tenor drum!
and i should have snares down by sunday's rehearsal!
this is so exciting!

tear ducts

i am getting way too emotional over everything lately. and very confused.
it's so comfortable for the most part to remain "in like" with this guy. part of me says 'dammit woman, get a grip and move on, ' but part of me says 'no it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.' and so i don't want to get over him. he's not a distraction (not an unwelcome one anyway) and i can compartmentalize my life enough that he doesn't generally get in the way of working, rehearsing, or just plain unwinding unless i let my mind dwell on him.
but occasionally he does. when i do see him, even when we're not talking i can feel his eyes on me in a sort of pensive way; i catch him looking and he looks away; look, that rhymed! and i wonder what he's thinking behind that lovely face and what he sees of me through those eyes and i think about how confused he makes me and sometimes it makes me want to cry. everything seems to set me off on crying jags lately >_< -
i was watching rent the other night- and i cried. i was wandering through my itunes yesterday- and i nearly cried. i've nearly cried during rehearsal i don't even know how many times this month (all these emotionally intense songs...) and this totally doesn't seem like a lot when i write it down but it feels like so much more! damn you overactive tear ducts!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

throwing stones

Video: Tyra Banks Gifts Gender-Reassignment Surgery, Turns on Clarke

oh man. where do i even start?
clarke, you are full of shit. i'm not gna talk about the double standard, tyra does enough of that. but girl, how the hell can you talk about other people like that and then call yourself a Christian? how can you tell isis she's a mistake and then turn around and say God doesn't make mistakes? where is your tolerance? where is the love?
as Christians, and indeed as human beings, we are to live lives of compassion, tolerance, and above all, love. that's what being successful is about. not making money, not being famous, just loving other people and making the world a better place to be. not living that love is how uncrossable lines are drawn; be it between the right and the left, organized religion and those in opposition, anywhere involving latent conflict. people like this are what give Christianity a bad name and make it into some sort of embarassment, when in reality they live in opposition to its tenets.
do you know the story of Jesus and the adulteress? she was going to be stoned after being caught, but he stepped in and what did he say? "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone:" and the crowd melted away. he had compassion and he forgave her. he forgave her, for a choice she'd made. if we can be forgiven for choices we make, we can't reasonably hold anything against people based on how they're born.
share love. give love. spread love. we all deserve it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

w00t? maybe?

i found my random thoughts binder! and now i don't remember why i was looking for it!
but it's been missing for at least six weeks, so it's good that it's back.
in other news, i ripped my jeans across one knee and it's really noisily windy outside. sadness. it makes me want to stay in bed for the rest of the week *sigh* but i have two tests...
at least i'm going away for a little this weekend.
and then next week is thanksgiving!


i was watching Wedding Crashers last night because i had nothing better to do. and the end of the movie got me thinking. why are female characters almost always such utter IDIOTS? it was like claire's only options were staying with her douchebag long-term boyfriend whose name i can't remember and honestly don't care about anyway, or leaving him for john who was a liar and also probably an idiot anyway. and gloria? marrying jeremy after she'd known him for like not long at all? really?
ladies! please! have some dignity! if your boyfriend expects you to meekly follow him when he calls you, are you really going to let him treat you like his property? srsly. you are worth more than that. and being single, contrary to common opinion, is actually not the kiss of death. IT'S ALLOWED.
and this may or may not be relevant, but ever seen The Rock? good movie. very good movie, with sean connery and nicholas cage. but the entire movie is caused by people being dumb! embarassingly dumb! like cage and his idiot girlfriend who decide to get married EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE ALMOST COMPLETELY UNSUITED because she got pregnant!
movies should come with warning labels: don't try this in real life.