Tuesday, April 21, 2009

like a candle in a hurricane

the end of last semester wasn't anything like this is now. even after dropping a class i feel like i have so much falling on me, and there is so much riding on this term's grades that words can't even describe what's going on in my head. it's frightening, because i have so many people who care about me and yet i don't seem to be able to go to anyone no matter how much i know i need to. all i have to keep me going is this coming summer and the thought of the classes that i won't have and the money i'll be making and the stress that won't be hanging over me like a big black cloud biding its time before it opens up and rains on me
and yet i don't understand it, because i know i have more than that. i know i have people who love me and will take care of me if i ask, but somehow i can't bring myself to ask so much of them when they're already so busy with their own worries. it feels like i'm falling back into high school depression simply by not asking for help, but i would rather try and cope on my own because i know i've done it before. and re-reading this, i feel like i am being an idiot, but there is nothing i can do about that.


tess said...

awww...I know how you feel. Second semester freshman year was really overwhelming for me too. If you want someone to talk to, I'm always here..do you aim? i'm crazydaisy070..


Fly Fierce Fab said...

I hear you hun, no doubt things can get stressful and overwhelming at times, but keep your head up and hang in there. You know I'm always here if you need to talk <33