Monday, June 7, 2010

not being full of fail, for the umpteenth time

so. i finally figured out why i suck at blogging regularly, and now i have some advice for y'all who're thinking of starting a blog. DON'T DO IT IN THE MIDDLE OF TERM.
classes cause sleep deprivation. sleep deprivation causes sleep madness. sleep madness causes stupid posts. and then you get really embarrassed and you stop posting until you can come up with something intelligent...except you never do, because you are a) too tired to be a rational human being or b) too damn busy to sit down and think for a bit. and then before you know it six months have gone by without a post and you're like "damn. must have lost readers over that one. but what if i never *had* any readers in the first place? what if this blog is just a futile attempt at being an interesting member of society? WHAT IF NO ONE LOVES ME?!" and then you really stop writing, because you can't see the point anymore.
this is sort of what has happened to me as regards this whole Being On The Internet thing. it's kind of pathetic. but now, it's summertime, and since i'm not too busy i am hoping to get myself into a routine so that i can continue to be interesting even after term begins.
man, this post wasn't meant to be so huge. in summary, i promise i'll be back in some capacity. really and truly.

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