Friday, July 23, 2010

funny people: or meditations on mortality

you know when you decide not to see a movie because you assume it's going to be awful, and then it turns out to be better than you expect it to be? i had one of those this week, involving funny people.
if you haven't seen it yet, stop reading and go watch it. then come back to this post.
despite the title, funny people is not a comedy. even though it involves adam sandler. it's all very realistic; from the flawed, flawed characters; to the ending, which feels remarkably uncontrived; and almost everything in between. and funnily enough, it's a bit of a thinking movie. you spend most of the movie evaluating your relationships with people, and there are even valuable life lessons sprinkled throughout!
i know, it surprised me too.
all in all, i really enjoyed funny people, despite not being a fan of most of the featured comedians. this would have been worth the money.

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