Wednesday, November 26, 2008

obligatory thanksgiving post wooooo!

and now it's time for me to talk about what i'm thankful for! because that's what bloggers do on Thanksgiving!
in all seriousness though, there's a lot i have to be thankful for. and in no particular order;
  • my parents cuz they are pretty cool people actually and fun to talk to
  • my little sister who is growing up and turning into me and making me feel old =/
  • my cousins who i miss muchly and who are all awesome
  • my besties from high school cuz i love them all and they know so much about me and they know i'm completely insane but they don't really seem to mind :)
  • my a cappella group that i am absolutely and completely in love with collectively because they are such lovely people and we are an insane little family and i would totally have their babies or at least move in with them after i gradumacate
  • my suitemates cuz they are never boring and always fun to live with even though they play africa every time they see me working >_<>
  • the boy who is not actually my boy (though i am still hoping-ish) because he makes me happy and smiley and warm and fuzzy inside and he makes me want to twirl and sing and also he is a cutie :) and so he is nice to look at
  • cameras! especially manual cameras and black & white film! which are awesome!
  • living in boston even though IT'S NOT SNOWING YET WTF I MOVED HERE FOR THE SNOW
  • the insanity my brain gets up to at weird hours of the morning because it makes me laugh
  • FOOD WONDERFUL CARIBBEAN FOOD man i am so excited for dinner
  • and of course you, my lovely lurking readers, who make my hit counter jump and make me happy that people actually want to read the nonsense that goes on inside my brain cuz it is so nice to be happy
enjoy your holidays, eat lots, and sleep lots because that's what they are for!

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