Saturday, January 3, 2009


the world is such a deliciously wonderful place sometimes and yet its wondrousness has been so overwhelmingly surprising lately. and i wonder why, because i know it is a lovely place to be and i know lovely things happen with frequency and yet it feels so undeniably odd, like a dress that you slip into that you didn't think would suit you but still manages to make you look sleek and elegant without losing your comfort
i have discovered that i know some of the most delightful people the universe possesses and i miss them ever so much but at the same time they are just so wonderful that i cannot help being consoled by their sheer existence and it somehow lessens my separation anxiety
and dearest readers i have no idea where i am going with this, but the world is lovely i promise you and has such wonders for you if you only believe that it does
greet each day with a smile and it will smile back =)

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